MORALE Erasmus+ PROJECT co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union 


Second Monitoring virtual meeting for the Morale Erasmus+ project July 27th, 2021



A virtual monitoring visit to the funded project MORALE Erasmus+ “Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision: towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees/Morale.” has been conducted on July 27th, 2021 through ZOOM technique with the presence of representatives from the National Erasmus+ Office and the partner universities.

During this meeting, the NEO responsible discussed the progress made by the projects for all work packages including:

  • Progress made in the implementation of project activities since the first monitoring visit that took place online in July 2020.
  • The state-of-play of the project implementation after rescheduling activities and the new plan that has been put in place.
  • Any future plan for the continuation of the project activities in the remaining eligibility period and when overall situation gets back to normal.
  • Financial issues.
  • Horizontal issues related to the quality of implementation, visibility of the project, dissemination of results, impact and sustainability.
For more information about Morale project you can consult its website at:

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