Monitoring virtual meeting for the Morale Erasmus+ project July 22nd, 2020
A virtual monitoring visit to the funded project MORALE Erasmus+ “Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision: towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees/Morale.” has been conducted on July 22nd, 2020 through ZOOM technique with the presence of representatives the National Erasmus+ Office and the partner universities.
During this meeting, the NEO responsible discussed the progress made by the projects for all work packages including:
⦁ Horizontal work packages: Management, Quality and Dissemination
⦁ Preparation and Development: mainly the needs analysis regarding the implementation of surveys and the study visits to European institutions and future activities
In addition, the NEO team discussed the delay of implementation due to the covid-19 pandemic and the alternatives and possible actions to avoid any delay in the implementation of future activities.
For more information about Morale project you can consult its website at: