Module 1: Quality, Innovation, and Relevance of Higher Education Provision
( Offered by the University of Bologna )
Morale Project WP3: Capacity Building – T3.1 Training
“Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision:
towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees/Morale.”

Within the activities of WP3 Building Capacities, where the main objective is to design, prepare and implement 4 Train the Trainers (ToT) modules and their corresponding replications
The TRAINING Module 1, was offered by Dr Rabih Chattat from the University of Bologna on the 22nd, 23rd of April 2021 and May 7th 2021, through ZOOM technique, with more than 63 participants from project partners ( Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece Lebanon and Syria), in addition to different Lebanese & Syrian NGOs.
The TRAINING Module compromised 3 days and It included presentations about the following subjects:
- Learning Principles: Adult Learning Principles and Competency-Based Learning.
- Project Based Learning and Online Training.
- The Practice of Training: Assessment, Group Facilitation and Interaction with Stakholders and Labour Market.
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