MORALE Activities are structured into 7 Work Packages (WPs) implemented in a logical order, with strong interdependencies among them. They are categorized into:

HORIZONTAL WPs: implemented during the whole project lifecycle for effective deployment of all activities and achievement of high quality/sustainable results, project visibility, interaction/contribution from all target groups:

  • WP1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT:  will ensure a smooth project implementation from both technical, administrative and financial points of view.
  • WP6 DISSEMINATION & NETWORKING will ensure project visibility by engaging with key internal and external actors.
  • WP7 PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE  will ensure that the activities are carried out with the best methodology resulting in high quality outcomes.

VERTICAL WPs: generate results & create impact, benefiting the main project target: PC HEIs and society:

  • WP2 IN-DEPTH NEEDS ANALYSIS  will constitute the basis for the project development in terms of PC HEIs Training of Trainers (ToT)/replication, curricula modernization & LLL creation, as well as NGOs management practices and network.
  • WP3 BUILDING CAPACITIES  will design & implement 4 TOTs modules and  their replications.
  • WP4 CURRICULA ENHANCEMENT AND DELIVERY will be focused on the modernization of existing bachelor study programs at PC HEIs by designing new and multidisciplinary subjects related to sustainable NGOs management & operation.
  • WP5 LLL COURSES DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION will create 3 LLL courses of 1-week duration at each PC, delivered by blended methodology (face-to-face + virtual) targeting NGOs managers & staff.