• Building Human capacities in topics related to innovative and quality modernisation of HE provision (bachelor & LLL) and in subjects related with NGOs by means of 4 ToT (and replication)
  • The modernization of 7 bachelors in Social & Behavioural Sciences at PC HEIs
  • The creation of 21 LLL courses at PC HEIs
  • The publication of the in-depth needs analysis of the current HE study programs shortcoming/inexistence in terms of NGOs management and operation with a multidisciplinary approach
  • Increased awareness among all targets in the key role HE has in the provision of high quality/innovative/multidisciplinary education for the training of the future NGOs professionals and in the skills update of current NGOs staff
  • The publication of a policy paper to increase awareness on the key role of local NGOs and the need for strong and solid cooperation with academia and authorities that need to support them for more solid NGO operations.