MORALE Erasmus+ PROJECT co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union
3rd Training of Trainers Four Elements – NGO
“Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision:
towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees/Morale.”

During the 3rd Training of Trainers delivered by Four Elements on the 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2021, several universities and NGOs, participated as follows: Beirut Arab University, Damascus University, Arab International University, alrashied association, Norwegian refugee council (NRC), Alnajat charity, SYRIAN University, Alrashied Association, SANAD youth, Alradwan, IUST (International University for Science and Technology) Syria, Al Amal Association, Junior Chamber International JCI Aleppo, Hope&work, Arabisk, Bayti for development, UNDP, International University for Science & Technology, Tartous University, Panteion University Greece, University of Macedonia Greece.
The training took place online via the ZOOM platform with Dr. Sobhi Abou Chahine “Coordinator of Morale Erasmus+ project” being the host, and Ms. Ester Maria Kalogeroudi from Four Elements being the co-host and trainer.
The TRAINING Module compromised 3 days and It included presentations about the following subjects:
In-depth understanding of partners on the following topics:
- NGO Project Management, Fundraising, Human Management and Interaction with actors
- Definitions of project actors and components of a project
- Methodology in project implementation
- Business continuity management, tools and strategies
- NGO leadership, performance, monitoring and excellence
- Fundraising, professionalism and co-operation with donors
- Lobbying, campaigning, PR, and Volunteering Management
For more information about Morale project you can consult its website at:
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